Friday, October 29, 2010

Hard-working Retiree, sounds content with life!

by Paul M

Many people spend time worrying about finances and health in retirement. But the time to worry about these things is in early twenties.

I was actually driven into retirement planning because I worked in an auditor's office. I saw many people retiring comfortably, or what I thought was comfortable at that point of time, because my father never planned for his retirement.

Since we don't have any social security system out here, his responsibility fell on my shoulders. Going was tough, but god was kind.

He rewarded every bit of hard work, and punished for taking a few things easy as well.

I was finally able to save enough by 47 years or so. This helped me to call it a day.

Today, I earn for my taxes, and our medical insurances from Internet.

We do not have Medicaid and other health programs. So I have to buy health insurance, paying almost $700. I also have to earn $470 towards income tax.

Effectively, I need an earning of less than a $100 per month, which is not very difficult to earn on Internet. That keeps my mind occupied as well.

I am not constantly aware of any body pains, or why my hair is graying or falling. I had a good person guiding me earlier on in my life. He told me that do not leave anything to later stages as memory starts failing, and it may become very difficult to organize things. He was so right.

I am much more relaxed than most people in my age group. Many of my former colleagues have continued working. Some of them still do not have homes. They spent their twenties and thirties going on vacations, while I toiled, partly because I had no choice.

Now in retirement, I get up around 6.00 a.m. each morning. I brush my teeth and go to terrace. I take a walk for about an hour, breathing deeply while I do so. Then by 7.15 am I am back at home. The maid arrives. Together we finish cooking and preparing breakfast.

My father finishes his bath, and I serve him his breakfast, while I sip some tea and do a little bit of gardening in my balcony windows.

Thereafter, I take a nice long bath. I can afford to. I am no longer in a rush to move out. I come out, eat my breakfast, and earn some monies. Soon it is lunch hour; we eat lunch and watch television for a while. I take a short nap.

After that I work for a couple of hours, and stop earning for the day unless there are some unbearable television programs. I have a tendency to reach month's targets beforehand, rather finish the yearly targets, and then relax. That way, I don't have to worry later.

Because of this, I might even choose to work a bit later in the night. Alternately, I stitch something, or paint something. I am constantly humming. This is my usual lifestyle.

At times I have some guests, or I visit some friends. At other times, I go for shopping. I purchase my entire month's grocery requirements, at one go. Therefore, it is not much of a chore for me. I also purchase vegetables once in a week. We eat bread quite frequently. I go to bakers to fetch some bread.

I think I could continue with this routine for the rest of my life and not get bored.

View the original article here

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