Friday, October 29, 2010

Retirement Happiness: also known as "keeping busy"

Looking for your own brand of perfect Retirement Happiness?

Anyone who wants to be Happy shouldn?t consider Retiring!

That?s it in a nutshell.

Are you surprised? What IS retirement happiness?

Well, OK, Honestly -- I am happy and I am retired too...

SBI Home Business I am also working from home (on this website) which provides my sense of self, providing me with something to keep busy and fulfilled, and so, I guess, I am not quite retired. If I had totally retired, I'm not sure I'd be happy as I am... just not sure.

But -- this is about YOU, not ME!

There will always be people (known as Pre-Retirees) who naturally think differently. They assume that retirement equals happiness.. the two go hand in hand. Isn?t retirement supposed to be the culmination of ones life?s work? one?s ultimate Goal... when all the things that you promised yourself would finally get accomplished?

Then you retire -- and BAM -- what happened? Where is the rainbow? What am I going to do today? Tomorrow? Where is everyone?

Yes, you have to retire... of course you do, just as I did. But -- it?s time to get real!

This is where we ponder life... where we came from and where we are headed now.

There are many more exciting and exhilarating things to do with your life than seeking "Retirement". The definition of "retirement" isn't pretty. The reality is that the days are long and the mind wanders like a drifting cloud. The brain gets confused by the apparent lack of activity and there?s not a To-Do -List in sight. In other words, things aren?t what they used to be.

Now -- to find retirement happiness, you can't seek it... but you CAN keep yourself busy so that you don't miss working. Keeping busy -- through part time work, volunteering, or finding hobbies that keep you happy, is what you really do need. You can concentrate on finding Happiness which could take the form of a fishing trip, a new friend, or finishing that book you often started but never published. Hey there?s even that strange place where people go with their computers and hang out. You might even become a landscape painter!

Happiness is an altogether better place to head for than "retirement" and when you have fleshed out your Happiness Business Plan there won?t be enough hours in the day to get it all done. It?s a bit like Work, really, only different! Very satisfying...

To be happy, you have to be active -- live there was no tomorrow and have fun, enjoy life!

The retirement decision is often out of your hands, but start thinking now about where you will be headed tomorrow -- the library, a tourist spot, somewhere other artists hang out, whatever suits you...

Destination Unknown but at least you?ll be Happy.

Forget Retirement (in the traditional stay-at-home sense) and KEEP BUSY!

More Retirement Happiness ideas here...

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